Saturday, November 3, 2007

AZA's are the only lAZA ones anymore.

Baltimore Council BBG,
Oh my goodness! It seems like everyone is soo busy right now, i know personally i have cheerleading like crazy and with Rush month is everyone overwhelmed or what?
This time of year really is crazy! And given, we have rush month activites. but they are there so everyone can become more involved in the COUNCIL. Our chapters are wonderful but we have a fantastic council which is a great support system for everyone. What a fantastic way for MITs and members to become friends with people from other chapters. Coming up we have BBG Shabbat, i really hope there will be a large attendance from our girls.
Our membership is looking good! We are halfway to our membership goal for the entire year! Keep pushing, remember every new girl that joined is one more girl that may not have the jewish experience anywhere else!
Toghether we are making our chapters and council wonderful<3
If you need anything please dont hesitate to send me a E-mail/IM/call!
With love and dedication to my team winning counties, rush month, bbg shabbat, love, and the wonderful thing we call Baltimore Council #59,
I remain,
Rachael Faye Pazornick
'67th?' Baltimore Council N'siah

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Getting into the Swing of Things

Hey Baltimore Council,
This weekend we had our Sukkot Program as well as first council meeting!
We were all very happy with out sukkot program, we had 55 people... a lot of which were new! Amazing job Melissa Nathanson =)
Todays council meeting however was a bit dissapointing. We only had about 10 girls present, thanks to everyone who came. This year we are really making an effort to make these meetings fun. It is SO important that people attend in order to get everyone's opinion and plus it is just raelly nice to show up and hang out with the other chapters and council board! I hope that more people will be present next meeting!
Until then, have amazing chapter programs. Keep up the hard work, and get those new members =)
Don't forget we are trying to push up to 90% retention rate by the end of October!
With Love and Dedication to 67, and the wonderful thing we call Baltimore Council #59,
I reamain
Rachael Faye Pazornick

Saturday, September 8, 2007

This Year

Hello Baltimore Council!,
Last weekend we had our council kickoff and board bonding! It was a great time going wayyy back to be dino's for a macabbia game night for kickoff. Council Board Bonding went great, we all had a good time and the board is SO FLY!
Next up we have a Sukkot Program and then OUR FIRST COUNCIL MEETING!
Please try and be there! its going to be a ton of fun, and the theme is B-more Orange.
Come dressed in orange and ready for a good time. Council meeting is at 3, chapter meetings are at 1.
Also, keep in mind to BE GREEN! Thats right, BBYO is going green, so turn off a light when you leave the room and make sure the water isnt leaking, because all BBYO members are working together to help the world!
With love and dedication to ILTC 07, August XX's 07, #67, chapter kickoff's, 3 is better then 1, and the wonderful thing we call Baltimore Council #59,
I remain,
Rachael Faye Pazornick
Proud '67th?' Baltimore Council N'siah

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Good Morning Baltimore!

To the lovely Baltimore Council BBG,
I am so excited to get our year started! I spent part of my summer at ILTC, and now I'm home working on BBYO! I can't wait to hear about all of your summers.
You should have all gotten this years programming calendar in the mail, if not please ask Dori. More details about council kick-off will be coming to you soon!
Also, more information about RLC/RLTI should be out in the mail soon! They are going to be really fun conventions, and i know we can get a really good representation from BC.

This year is going to be an amazing year for all of us, i know that we will not only be able to get our numbers up and reach our goal (we were only 2 away from our super goal last year!) but we will be able to improve in ALL areas.
If you ever need anything please feel free to contact me, any of our other board members, or Dori.

Can't wait to see you all Labor Day weekend for our first Council event of the year!

With love and dedication to summer timeee, ILTC '07, summer programs!, I-board, C-board, the flyest board in the order, chapter N'siot<3,>
Rachael Faye Pazornick
Baltimore Council N'siah 2007-2008